Anna Warren*
Previous Member
The love of drawing has always been a driving force for Anna, and this is evident in her work.
After studying printmaking initially while taking a BA (Hons) degree in Graphic Design at the London College of Printing (now University of the Arts, London).
Anna took up printmaking again seriously in 1990, and began painting in oil in about 2002. She draws constantly in a variety of media, often experimentally.
Anna is inspired by the natural world, plants, fruits, flowers, seeds, stalks and living creatures, animal and human as well as skulls, bones, shells, rocks and stones.
It is the micro view rather than the big picture which fascinates her. Before starting an artwork Anna examines her subject matter closely, searching for small details that escape the casual observer. Even the most mundane objects have a beauty of their own.
She will often draw and redraw a subject to take it to its most fundamental form and find its essence, often ending with an abstract image. Working in miniature encapsulates her love of detail.
Anna Warren_Wandering Wondering_Monotype
Anna Warren_Songbook_Monotypes assembled as a book
Anna Warren_Herbarium_Monotypes with bamboo sticks and twigs