Welcome to the


Established in Sydney 1970



The Print Circle was formed at the Workshop Arts Centre in Willoughby, Sydney in 1970.

Our vision is…

To encourage experimental and innovative printmaking techniques

and to support and exhibit the work of women printmakers.

We exhibit regularly in Sydney and regional NSW.


Our artists produce limited edition prints in both traditional and contemporary media including etching, lithography, silkscreen printing, collagraphs, woodcut and linocut as well as solar plate intaglio and digital prints.

Other media include monoprints, installations, assemblages, artist books and mixed media, all reflective of contemporary and innovative printmaking practices.


Our members are a diverse group of practitioners, each bringing their unique interpretation and approach to printmaking techniques.

Many hold or have held teaching positions in the field of art and printmaking and are members of other professional associations.

Many also exhibit in solo shows and have their work in collections both nationally and internationally.


For exhibitions or general enquiries,

please email below or click contact.


For membership enquiries

please download our application form below.

2024 / 2025 Committee

President: Carol Shaw

Vice President: Ruth Thompson

Secretary: Debra Hannigan

Treasurer: Judy Smith

Social Media: Cheryl McCoy